Thursday, November 08, 2007

Ladies and gentlemen....... introducing.......directly from Denver,Colorado....... the Amero!



Anonymous said...

I think it's funny how they are being minted in 2007 and there is so little time left in this year. I also think it is a phoney because it is more cost effective to print bills. The U.S. has never had a $20 coin has it? I did some more reasearch and they have them in 500 and 1000 incremints. Further more why would the U.S spend all that money in the last couple years redesigning our currency with more protective measures if they were going to do away with it. Further more the US dollar is the strongest most stable currency in the world. All other currency are valued in compairison to the dollar. I was paying attention in International Finance class, lol. And why the need for a change the US dollar is already accepted in Cananda and Mexico. Just some ideas.

Anonymous said...

I am not saying the Amero is not gonna happen ever, I am just saying I don't think it will be in metallic coin form and I don't think it will happen anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

These coins are a more stable form of currency due to them actually being made of gold, silver, and copper. Socialist societies do not back their currency up with actual gold, silver, or copper (makes it easier to create a welfare state where its citizens are dependant on the government because the money is not actually worth anything) so it would surprise me too if they kept this form of currency as this Amero is the next step in establishing the New World Order single government system.