Friday, October 26, 2007

Hat Tip to Renbets

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Anonymous said...

Finally, New knowledge to use to open people's eyes.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting to say the least. I had some down time at work and I was able to watch the whole thing. Hey what can I say I am good and I was able to finish all my work ;). So Jesus is not real and neither is God. It was all set in place to control the masses. Funny thing I think is that religion is purely optional and not mandated by the United States. I did appreciate the audio exert from George Carlin. My church does not ask for money nor try to instill guilt or anything along those lines. What I take from Sunday Services is an outline on how to live life in a more righteous manner. It is easy to discredit individual parts of anything without trying to discredit the whole. There are universals truths that are underlying and those even if manipulated by government still don’t change the principle. I would like to think that even something as simple as “The Golden Rule” in a universal truth and that come directly from Matthew. If anyone is to complete believe this movie they would have to seriously convince me of this. This would mean not working for currency that is strictly an idea and put in place to hold us down, and even has the words”In God We Trust” upon it. I guess we could all farm or use various skills taught to generate goods and only through a barter system. So we all should quit working? And I guess we could avoid any kind of debt by making our own houses etc. but wait we would have to own land and that would take money to buy. Okay scratch that. The idea of money is nothing new, there isn’t enough gold in the U.S. to back to amount of money in circulation and they are right it just an idea and we all play into it. As you are reading you this you are using a computer bought with money at some point and the internet used to access this sight isn’t free either. The idea of income tax is quite amusing as well. I work for a CPA and the idea is that you are lending the money to the government interest free and with the exception of the wealthy you receive it back (I don’t agree but that’s the simplified version). But you could avoid all this by not drawing a paycheck and it turn not having to pay taxes, but wait who needs money right? I think it’s funny how I hear the same critics complaining about how we are cutting medical funding for children etc but how do you think all that is paid for by “Taxes”. So don’t pay taxes but quit your bitching too, please. Another universal principle “If you not part of the solution you are part of the problem”. Any asshole can point out what wrong it takes a real person to offer solutions. This gets back to the necessity of voting but no need for that either because ultimately we are not in control of the government according to this movie. So please let’s stop posting bulletin about voter registration etc, lol. What I think is a trip is that I bet this movie had to get funding in order to be produced. Which is kind of ironic because that is what is constantly keeping the common man in debt and ultimately leading to slavery. And I like how is discredits mass media b/c with out mass media to distract me I wouldn’t have watched this video. So where do I turn for the truth, someone please tell me. It isn’t on TV because that is jaded. Maybe I should read but most conglomerates control all sources of media, being newspapers, publishing companies etc. Maybe I should look toward history since it has a way of repeating it self. But then again even history is a version of what really happened and had been edited, right? The only thing this movie really reiterates to me is something I have always believed “Don’t believe everything you hear” So who is to say this movie wasn’t created by an undisclosed agency with ulterior motives. I didn’t see any credits at the end or any kind of documentation of sources used. But wait my buddy G sent it to me so it must be the truth. I am not saying it doesn’t hold any truth because there is always a little bit of truth in any lie. Funny part is that when most people are in peril whether it is a lost loved one, total tragedy, catastrophic losses etc who do they turn to, the imaginary God. As for me I will keep my faith strong, my will intact, my views of man inherently good. I might be playing in to it all but then again aren’t we all. Just because you admit you’re guilty doesn’t change that fact you are still guilty. So here is a small check list of a few things you can do to follow the beliefs construed in this movie.

1. Quit your job
2. Live off the earth (If you can find some that is free)
3. Never vote again
4. Don’t celebrate Christmas (It’s made up)
5. Give up on the notion of time all together because it is in reference to Christ (Hence A.D, B.C) oh this means New Years too
6. No need to go to funerals or pray any more you are praying to a imaginary God
7. No reading
8. No watching Television
9. Will in essence you don’t have to do anything because it is all been previously planned and you couldn’t make change anyways. So just sit back and wait for your chip to be turned off.