Thursday, April 07, 2011

Jesse Ventura: Enough Government Cover-ups! It's time for a Revolution!

RT's Anastasia Churkina sits down for an exclusive one-on-one interview with TV personality, former Governor of Minnesota, and best-selling author Jesse Ventura. His new book "63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want you to Read" hit the shelves this April.

1 comment:

Public Takeover said...

Jesse's rite! Our corrupt government should be replaced. The revolution could be peaceful. We, the people, should somehow publicly, as a whole people, withdraw our consent from the current government that has turned against us, a police state that oppresses us with rule by fear, that is a criminal enterprise, particularly with regard to our military's murdering and destroying now in Libya as well as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and probably other places, and instead give our consent to a different government, that we should begin to create now! We need to launch a national discussion redesigning our social forms, our economic system, our educational system, our legal system. We need to rescue our degraded culture from commercialism and create a moral and rational order, an actual democracy, a thriving planet.