Thursday, July 31, 2008

Book Review: The Revolution, A Manifesto by Ron Paul
With the election around the corner, it's nice to get some good perspective on how far we have come to this point in this historical election and where we need to be going. To me, Ron Paul is the people's candidate. He gives us great historical context in this book and helps us realize that we need to do something fast to erase the arrogance and hypocritical reputation our country has developed over the past 20 years with our "nation building" and pre-emptive wars. It is sad to see a candidate get shunned away by the media and his own party as Congressman Paul has as he continually fights for our Freedom and Civil Liberties that Our Founding Fathers had intended us to have as part of the inception of our Country
an excerpt:
"The mainstream media had no idea what to make of it, since we were breaking all the rules and yet still attracting such a varied and passionate following. I began making this a central point of my speeches: the reason all theses different groups are rallying to the same banner, I said, is that freedom has a unique power to unite us.
In case this sounds like a cliche, it isn't. It's common sense. When we agree not to treat each other merely as means to our own selfish ends, but to respect one another as individuals with rights and goals of our own, cooperation and goodwill suddenly become possible for the first time.
My message is one of freedom and individual rights. I believe individuals have a right to life and liberty and that physical aggression should only be used defensively. We should respect each other as rational beings by trying to achieve our goals through reason and persuasion rather than threats and coercion. That, and not a desire for 'economic efficiency,' is the primary moral reason for opposing government intrusions into our lives: government is force, not reason."
Monday, July 28, 2008

"The biggest stupid idea," Kilcullen said, "was to invade Iraq in the first place."
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Over 200,00 people to see Obama in Berlin...I think the rest of the World is trying to tell the United States something.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
This video is related to the fox news montage you can find eight posts down.

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008